market research Archive

FM broadcasting in India: then and now

In a country like India, FM broadcasting has always held a special place. Being a developing country, television came to India quite late.

An urgent need to cure Obesity as it reaches epidemic levels!

Obesity is a complex medical condition with serious social and psychological dimensions and is known to affect all age and socioeconomic groups of the global population.

Why market intelligence and market research became indispensable to businesses

With the global service market becoming more and more competitive by the day, the importance of industry and company specific knowledge is also on the rise.

Primary market research and Secondary market research: Strategies to stay ahead of the game

With the consumer market becoming increasingly competitive, Primary market research and Secondary market research has become an important part of business strategy.

Is social media the next big thing in market research?

How many times in a day do you log on to your Twitter or Facebook account to post a status update? The answer would probably be more than once for many.